Court: Legal Definition, Types of Courts, Court Functions and Authority

What is a Court?

A court is a judicial institution where disputes are adjudicated, laws are interpreted, and justice is administered by judges and/or magistrates within a legal system.


When most people think of it, they imagine a room with a judge, lawyers, and perhaps a jury. While this imagery is part of the concept, it has a broader meaning, particularly within the legal framework.

Etymology and Historical Overview

The word is derived from the Latin “cohors,” which means an enclosed yard or a retinue. Historically, they were places where rulers or noble persons held meetings, received guests, or conducted business.

Over time, this space was also where disputes were settled, which gradually evolved into what we recognise as courts of law today.

Legal Context

In the legal context, a court can be understood as an institution that conducts proceedings to adjudicate disputes and administer justice. This definition is multifaceted and encompasses:

  • Physical Aspect: It is the physical location where the legal proceedings occur.
  • Judicial Aspect: It’s the judge or a panel of judges who make determinations based on the law and the presented facts.
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There are many types across the world. These can be categorised broadly into:

  • Trial Courts: They are first instance where evidence is presented, and facts are determined. Examples include Magistrates, Municipal, and District Courts.
  • Appellate Courts: They review the decisions of first instance courts for legal errors. Examples include Circuit Courts of Appeal in the US or the Court of Appeal in the UK.
  • Specialised Courts: They are designed to handle specific types of cases, such as Family, Commercial, or Tax.
  • Supreme or Constitutional Courts: The highest judicial body in a country, like the US Supreme Court, which primarily deals with constitutional issues.


Their role extends beyond merely settling disputes. Its primary functions include:

  • Adjudication: To resolve conflicts by determining the rights and obligations of the parties involved.
  • Interpretation of Law: They interpret statutes, regulations, and constitutional provisions.
  • Administration of Justice: Ensuring that justice is delivered impartially and in accordance with the law.
  • Protection of Rights: They play a crucial role in safeguarding the rights of individuals, including human rights and constitutional rights.

Why do some cases take years to conclude?

Complex litigation involves extensive evidence, multiple witnesses, and intricate legal arguments, requiring substantial time for adequate examination. Procedural requirements, like pre-trial motions or discovery processes, can introduce delays.

Overburdened systems, with limited resources and backlogs, can extend waiting periods for hearings or trials. Appeals introduce further layers of review, prolonging case durations.

Additionally, strategic delays by parties, seeking advantageous settlements or hoping for witnesses to become unavailable, can also play a role.

Why are cameras sometimes not allowed in courtrooms?

Cameras are sometimes prohibited in courtrooms to ensure a fair trial, protect witness identities, and prevent potential intimidation. Their presence might influence behaviour, from witnesses altering testimonies to attorneys playing to the camera. Televised proceedings could jeopardise the impartiality of potential jurors in future trials.

How does the court decide which cases to hear, given the vast number of petitions?

Priority is often given to cases that present significant legal questions, have broad societal implications, or address inconsistencies in lower rulings.

Petitioners usually submit a “writ of certiorari” or an equivalent document, requesting a case. Justices or judges then discuss these petitions in conferences. Only a fraction, deemed most critical or where legal clarification is paramount, are accepted for full review.

This selective process ensures that they addresses the most pressing legal issues while managing its caseload efficiently.

How do courts ensure impartiality among judges?

Courts employ multiple measures to ensure judges’ impartiality. Firstly, rigorous appointment processes, often involving background checks and vetting, identify candidates with stellar records and integrity.

Once appointed, judges are bound by codes of conduct that require recusal from cases where conflicts of interest arise. Judicial decisions are subject to appeal or review, ensuring checks and balances.

In many jurisdictions, judges have tenure or fixed terms, insulating them from political pressures. Training and continued legal education further reinforce unbiased decision-making.

Finally, transparency in proceedings and public access to decisions help in holding the judiciary accountable and preserving its impartiality.

Legal authority

Their authority does not just stem from the law but also from public trust and its perceived impartiality. Independence from external pressures, whether from the government or influential entities, is paramount to maintain the judiciary’s credibility.

Additionally, transparency in proceedings and decisions reinforces public confidence in the judicial system.

How does the court determine the credibility of an expert witness?

The credibility of an expert witness is established by evaluating their qualifications, experience, and methodology. The expert’s educational background, professional certifications, publications, and prior testimonial history are scrutinised.

The relevance and reliability of their methods, consistency with industry practices, and the clarity of their explanations further influence credibility. Cross-examinations challenge their expertise and conclusions, ensuring only well-substantiated expert opinions.


Whether it is the physical place of justice, the judges who interpret and apply the law, or the procedures followed, they are pivotal in upholding the rule of law and ensuring that justice is served. Recognising the depth and breadth of what they represents can provide a greater appreciation for their role in society.

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